COVID19, Health Literacy, Media, School Nursing, Tech

The Relentless School Nurse: Laughter is the Best Medicine, Especially Now

One of the few bright spots in the COVID19 crisis is highlighting the work of school nurses across the country, and how they are responding to the pandemic. During emergencies, Mr. Rogers famously said, “Look for the helpers. You can always find people who are helping.” Virginia Beach School nurse Chrissy Love is clearly one of the ‘helpers,’ and in her concern for her students and staff, she has created inventive ways to stay connected.


School Nurse Chrissy Love
I created this video for my students because I thought we could all use a little laugh right now. If you can find some humor in a situation, you can get through anything. My students will tell you, my motto is, “Laughter is the best medicine.”


This was the challenge of the week of April 8th:

Positive thinking helps keep the mind healthy just like exercising and eating well keeps the body healthy.  The body and mind go together in health and wellness.  When you can’t change a situation, you can change what you think about it.  Can you think of some positive things about having to stay at home right now?

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