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The Relentless School Nurse: What is Your “Word of the Year” for 2024?


Picking a “Word of the Year” has become a popular practice for setting intentions and guiding personal growth. It is an alternative to claiming New Year’s resolutions! As we step into 2024, the tradition of selecting a word to identify our aspirations and focus for the year ahead continues to gain momentum. This simple yet powerful concept involves choosing a single word that serves as a touchstone, a source of inspiration, and a reminder of our goals and values throughout the year.

Choosing the word “Ease” as my guiding word for 2024 was a deliberate and thoughtful decision. After reflecting on the past year and considering my values, intentions, and goals for the upcoming year, I realized that I wanted to approach 2024 with a greater sense of tranquility and simplicity. The word “Ease” embodies my desire to navigate through life with less stress and more flow, to find efficiency without sacrificing peace, and to prioritize well-being and balance in all aspects of my life. By selecting “Ease” as my word for 2024, I aim to infuse my days with a sense of calm and grace, allowing space for joy, growth, and meaningful connections. This word will serve as a gentle reminder to embrace simplicity, release unnecessary tension, and welcome the beauty of each moment throughout the year.

The process of selecting a Word of the Year is a deeply personal and reflective exercise. Several prompts and strategies can help you identify a word that resonates with your aspirations and intentions for the year. Reflecting on the values, goals, and experiences of the past year can provide valuable insights into the qualities and themes that one may want to prioritize in the coming year.  Brainstorming, creating a vision board, and considering various word options can contribute to the selection of a word that feels meaningful and relevant. I have included a list of 100 words to consider if that helps!
Once a word has been chosen, it can be integrated into daily life in various ways. From incorporating the word into a vision board or journal to using it as a guiding principle for decision-making, the selected word can serve as a constant companion and a source of motivation throughout the year. The practice of choosing a Word of the Year offers a meaningful approach to setting intentions and fostering personal growth. As we embark on 2024, the selection of a guiding word can provide clarity, inspiration, and a sense of purpose, empowering you to embrace the year ahead with focus and intention.
100 Word of the Year Ideas:
  1. Abundance
  2. Adventure
  3. Align
  4. Authentic
  5. Available
  6. Aware
  7. Balance
  8. Become
  9. Better
  10. Bless
  11. Bold
  12. Breathe
  13. Bright
  14. Calm
  15. Celebrate
  16. Centered
  17. Challenge
  18. Change
  19. Commitment
  20. Compassion
  21. Confidence
  22. Connect
  23. Creativity
  24. Cultivate
  25. Daring
  26. Dedicated
  27. Delight
  28. Devotion
  29. Discipline ** (my word for 2018)
  30. Distance
  31. Dream
  32. Embrace
  33. Emerge
  34. Empower
  35. Expansion
  36. Express
  37. Faith
  38. Feast
  39. Fit
  40. Focus
  41. Forgiveness
  42. Foster
  43. Free
  44. Friendship
  45. Glow
  46. Giving
  47. Grace
  48. Gratitude
  49. Grounded
  50. Honesty
  51. Hope
  52. Humility
  53. Integrity
  54. Intentional
  55. Intuition
  56. Journey
  57. Joy
  58. Kind
  59. Learn
  60. Listen
  61. Love
  62. Magnify
  63. Meek
  64. Mindful
  65. Motion
  66. Nourish
  67. Nurture
  68. Organize
  69. Passion
  70. Peace
  71. Permission
  72. Persistence
  73. Play
  74. Polish
  75. Power
  76. Present
  77. Progress
  78. Radiant
  79. Recovery
  80. Relationships
  81. Release
  82. Reset
  83. Resolute
  84. Rise
  85. Risk
  86. Savvy
  87. Service
  88. Simplicity
  89. Slow
  90. Smile
  91. Space
  92. Sparkle
  93. Strong
  94. Teach
  95. Thrive
  96. Tranquil
  97. Whole
  98. Yes
  99. Zen
  100. Zest

This list was retrieved from a blog post written by Elisabeth McKnight, here is the link:

I hope you have fun picking a “Word of the Year” for 2024 and share it with our community! 

As Elisabeth recommends: 

Remember, once you’ve picked a WORD OF THE YEAR you can

       -set it as your phone background

       -write it on your mirror (in dry erase marker)

       -print it and it put it up all over the house

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