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The Relentless School Nurse: Good News to Share


I am thrilled to share that I will be inducted as a Fellow into the National Academy of School Nursing (FNASN) along with an amazing group of colleagues/friends.  Given the stress of the last few years, it certainly feels good to have something to celebrate and share. 

NASN Names 2022 National Academy of School Nursing Fellows

Definition of School Nursing

School nursing, a specialized practice of nursing, protects and promotes student health, facilitates optimal development, and advances academic success. School nurses, grounded in ethical and evidence-based practice, are the leaders who bridge health care and education, provide care coordination, advocate for quality student-centered care, and collaborate to design systems that allow individuals and communities to develop their full potential.  Adopted by the NASN Board of Directors February 2017.

NASN Position

To optimize student health, safety and learning, it is the position of the National Association of School Nurses that a professional registered school nurse be present in every school all day, every day.

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