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The Relentless School Nurse: Are You a #FedUpSchoolNurse? Join Moms Demand Action #FedUp Campaign for School Safety


As school nurses, many of us have seen firsthand the devastating impact of gun violence in our schools and communities. It is time for us to take a stand and demand change. That’s why I am proud to join Moms Demand Action’s #FedUp campaign as a #FedUpSchoolNurse.

The #FedUp campaign is a call to action for parents, educators, and lawmakers to take a stand against gun violence in schools. As a #FedUpSchoolNurse, I am committed to advocating for the safety and wellbeing of our students. Please join me in this grassroots movement.  Our students and school staff need to feel safe and secure when we come to school, and we want our parents to feel confident that they are sending their children to a safe environment. 

The campaign aims to raise awareness about the frequency of gun violence in schools and urges lawmakers to take action to prevent future tragedies. It encourages parents and educators to get involved in the fight for gun violence prevention by attending town hall meetings, calling and writing their elected officials, and speaking out on social media. 

One of the most powerful components of the #FedUp campaign encourages parents and educators to tag their elected officials, urging them to take action to prevent gun violence in schools. As a #FedUpSchoolNurse, I know that bulletproof backpacks, armed security guards, and door barricades are not enough. We need real solutions, based on evidence guided by public health, to prevent gun violence in our schools.

I believe that the #FedUp campaign is an important step in the fight against gun violence in schools, and I am proud to be a part of it as a #FedUpSchoolNurse. Let’s urge parents, educators, and healthcare professionals to join us in this action. Together, we can make a difference and create a safer future for our children.

To learn more about the #FedUp campaign and how you can get involved, visit the Moms Demand Action website at Moms Demand Action – #FedUp. Join me in becoming a #FedUpSchoolNurse and let’s demand safety for our students and communities.


Take action with us this week. Text FED UP to 644-33 to join an event. Let’s use the hashtag #FedUpSchoolNurse and help turn our outrage over gun violence into meaningful action. 


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