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The Relentless School Nurse: Vermont’s Kelly McGovern Landwehr, MSN, RN is Advocacy in Action


Nurse Practitioner Kelly McGovern Landwehr, MSN, RN, is president of the Vermont State School Nurses Association, and a school nurse at Middlebury Union High School. She is also a courageous advocate spotlighting the epidemic of vaping at school, but also at home. Sometimes our advocacy is born out of personal experiences. I applaud you, Kelly, for sharing the compelling story of your daughter’s experience with vaping, in her own words. 

Through her personal narrative as a mother who witnessed her daughter’s struggle with vaping addiction at a young age, Kelly brings a poignant and relatable context to her advocacy efforts. Her role as the president of the Vermont State School Nurses Association further underscores her commitment to safeguarding the health and well-being of students. 
By drawing attention to the harmful effects of nicotine, tobacco, and e-liquids on developing brains and lungs, especially among vulnerable teenagers and young adults, Kelly highlights the importance of addressing the allure of flavored products that entice youth into addiction. Her observations in school settings reveal the disruptive impact of nicotine addiction on students’ education and overall health.
Kelly’s advocacy not only raises awareness about the detrimental consequences of flavored nicotine products but also emphasizes the hidden costs incurred in education due to addiction-related issues. By sharing personal experiences Kelly humanizes the impact of addiction and underscores the urgency for legislative action to protect Vermont’s youth from long-term harm. Thank you, Kelly, you are advocacy in action!
Here is Kelly’s powerful OpEd, published in VT Digger: Kelly McGovern Landwehr: Act quickly on Vermont’s vaping epidemic
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