School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: A Dream Day Begins at The White House


My invitation to attend a convening at the White House for healthcare professionals working in gun violence prevention started with this email:

Hi, Robin,

We met years ago at the AFFIRM meeting in Chicago.  I remember you so well—you made such a deep impression.

There is going to be an event sponsored by Doctors for America at the White House on 6/7 at 11:00 AM to emphasize the importance of health care providers getting involved in stemming gun violence.  We’re putting a list together of people who might be able to attend.  I think you bring such a unique perspective as someone really on the front line.  Might you want to go?  If so, here is the place to sign up. 

I have a daughter at med school at Rutgers now (RWJ).  She’s enjoying it as much as drinking from a fire hose can be enjoyed.  Hope you are doing well, yourself and continue to fight the good fight!

Julie Parsonnet

I have been “fighting the good fight” for many years, so this invitation, which magically appeared in my inbox, gave me a much-needed boost that my advocacy efforts were making a difference. Many of you know my journey to share the public health approach to gun violence prevention with school nurses and the wider school community.  So, of course, my answer to Dr. Parsonnet was a resounding “THANK YOU” and YES! I quickly filled out the sign-up form and this official invitation appeared in my email within a few days.

My dream day was this past Friday, June 7th, which began at the White House and ended with a dinner where the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Viveck Murthy was the guest speaker. In between this whirlwind of a day, was the first face to face meeting with the “This is our Lane” Advisory Council from Brady United. I shared this “pinch me, is this real” adventure with my friend and MGH Gun Violence Prevention Center research partner, Dr. Cornelia Griggs. 


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What I have learned through my gun violence prevention advocacy journey is that school nurses are vital public health partners in this work. The most effective approach to creating safe and supportive school environments requires a comprehensive, coordinated effort including school-wide, district-wide, and community-wide strategies. School nurses are healthcare partners embedded in school communities who can guide those efforts. As school nurses, we are on the frontlines of gun violence in schools and must be on the frontlines of solving this public health crisis.

School nurses are ideally positioned to work alongside others who are committed to public health approaches to solve the issue of gun violence in school, by both distinguishing the risk factors and then identifying actionable solutions through research and practice. School nurses can champion the cause of gun violence prevention, sounding the alarm and creating evidence-based, multidisciplinary solutions to advance the safety and security of all our nation’s children.

I’m deeply honored to collaborate with partners across multiple disciplines to provide a school nursing perspective in gun violence prevention efforts. It was an inspiring day spent with committed leaders determined to address gun violence through evidence-based, public health solutions. I left feeling reinvigorated knowing we have the full support of the White House behind us. This is all of our lane and school nurses have an important role in reclaiming safe spaces for our students and school communities. We can transform from a gun culture to a gun safe culture, that I know for sure!




13 thoughts on “The Relentless School Nurse: A Dream Day Begins at The White House”

  1. What a day! What an experience! What a VOICE! So glad the council exercised the brilliant judgement to include you!!!

    1. It was an amazing day and you are an incredible friend!

      1. I will say the same! Here’s the big question…….how many times did you pinch yourself??? Such an image and in the same breath OF COURSE you went to the White House!!! Makes me smile everytime I think of it.

  2. Wow! I am so very proud to have met you and still in awe of your journey. Well deserved invitation to the White House! You inspire School Nurses every everyday

  3. Your leadership is needed and critical to this issue. Congratulations on this recognition and joining your place in the community of public health care activists on gun safety.

    1. Thank you my very dear friend. You have been a sounding board and trusted confidant on this journey. Forever grateful to you.

  4. Congratulations on this well deserved recognition Robin!! Keep on fighting the good fight!

  5. And another OMG!! such an experience so well deserved because of your diligence with a national cause. I can only say that knowing you has been a Life long experience of learning with pride. long –from your young life through my aging process.
    Your next project is to get the “gun locks” in the hands of the experienced and knowledgable school nurses. Thanks for everything you do and always share.

    1. Thank you my dear, sweet Jeanne! You make my heart smile!

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