School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: ASK DAY IS JUNE 21st – Is There an Unlocked Gun Where My Child Plays? 

Our kids find everything, even a gun!  Brady United and This is Our Lane Advisory Council are reminding all of us to normalize the conversation about safe gun storage. ASKing saves kids! 

The Importance of ASKing About Unsecured Guns on June 21st

June 21st, the first day of summer, marks ASK Day – a crucial reminder for parents and caregivers to inquire about the presence of unlocked firearms in homes their children visit. Summer sees a spike in unintentional shootings as kids spend more time at friends’ and relatives’ houses.

The statistics are alarming – 4.6 million American children live with access to at least one loaded, unlocked gun. Every year, thousands of kids are injured or killed due to improperly stored firearms, a phenomenon known as “family fire”. However, these tragedies are entirely preventable if gun owners practice responsible storage and non-owners normalize conversations about gun safety.

How to ASK

Framing the question in a non-judgmental, matter-of-fact manner, perhaps as part of a broader discussion about safety concerns is recommended. A simple, straightforward approach like “I just want to check if there are any guns in the home, and if they’re locked up” or “My kid is curious, and I need to know if there are any unlocked guns in the house” is best.

The key is to make the question feel as natural as asking about aggressive pets or food allergies. As one gun-owning parent states, “I would never be offended at the question, because it shows thoughtfulness and concern for safety.” If the answer reveals an unsecured gun, parents can offer to host the playdate at their home or suggest a neutral location like a park.

Why It Matters

While the conversation may feel uncomfortable initially, prioritizing a child’s safety should outweigh any awkwardness. 39% of parents mistakenly believe their children don’t know where firearms are stored, and eight kids are unintentionally injured or killed by family fire every day in the U.S. Just as parents inquire about potential risks like allergies or aggressive pets, asking about unlocked guns is a responsible step that could save a life.

ASK Day serves as an important reminder for all caregivers to have this vital discussion. By normalizing these conversations and encouraging responsible gun storage, parents and communities can prevent countless tragedies.

What Can School Nurses Do?

School nurses are the Chief Wellness Officers in our buildings! Bringing the message of safe gun storage to our schools will undoubtedly save lives, especially as summer arrives. Promote ASK Day by encouraging our school districts to share this email with families:

Access template here: ASK-Templates_Email_24

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