School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: Stolen Celebrations – Gun Violence Disrupting Graduations

The 2024 graduation season is off to a troubling and violent start. I closely follow the work of David Riedman, data scientist and founder of the K-12 School Shooting Database. He recently published an article about the escalation of gun violence at high school graduation ceremonies so far this school year, and June is only a few days away: Gun violence at high school graduations

Graduation should be a time to celebrate the accomplishments of students, but these ceremonies have already turned into a “warzone” four times—plus one close call with an armed parent/relative—so far this spring. – David Riedman

The recent spate of shootings at graduation ceremonies is a tragic and alarming reflection of the pervasive issue of gun violence in our country. Graduation ceremonies, meant to celebrate academic achievements and mark the transition to new phases of life, have instead become scenes of terror and trauma. This disturbing trend, with incidents occurring in Cape Girardeau, MO; Kansas City, MO; Boiling Springs, SC; Cincinnati, OH, and Albuquerque, NM, illustrates the widespread nature of the problem and it’s only May.

It is particularly heartbreaking that students, who have grown up practicing active shooter drills, must now contend with the threat of gun violence even during their milestone celebrations. The situation underscores a broader crisis of gun violence in the country. The fact that these incidents are occurring during school events, especially in the late spring and early summer, adds to the distress, as these are times traditionally associated with joy and celebration.

Riedman notes that last year’s mass shooting at Huguenot High School’s graduation in Richmond, Virginia, is a stark example of the potential for devastation. The tragedy, which resulted in two deaths and several injuries, involved a student who had been banned from campus due to previous threats. This incident highlights the critical need for effective preventive measures and the importance of addressing threats before they escalate into violence.

To combat this issue, a multifaceted approach is essential. Policymakers, educators, law enforcement, and communities must collaborate to implement comprehensive solutions aimed at preventing gun violence. This includes not only stricter gun safety measures and better enforcement of existing laws, increased security at public events, and proactive measures to identify and address potential threats.

Creating a safe environment where students, families, and communities can celebrate significant milestones without fear should be a top priority. The focus must be on ensuring that joyous occasions remain just that—joyous. This will require dedication, resources, and a commitment to addressing the root causes of gun violence. Only through such concerted efforts can we hope to prevent these tragedies and provide a secure environment for all.


Shooting on the last day of school, another graduation shooting, and teacher planned to be the next school shooter

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