school nurse, School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: Will You Be One Too?

cropped-logo-clip.pngI named this blog the Relentless School Nurse because that is what I think it takes to be successful in our profession. We have to challenge ourselves to be relentless.  Relentless school nurses break through perceived barriers and look for solutions, often long after the school day is over. We seem to always be thinking of the next steps for a project, wondering about outcomes for a student sent out for medical evaluation, or concerned about a family.

Relentless school nursing calls us to expand our practice beyond the walls of our health offices and into the community. We understand the connection between home, school, and the health office.  You cannot separate the impact on a student’s presenting complaint in our health offices because our work is on a continuum.  Relentless School Nurses are leaders in their school communities, they are vigilant about safety, proactive about prevention, and called upon as a resource by those they serve.

Nina Fekaris, our new NASN President spoke of the importance of School Nurses finding our voices, telling our stories, and sharing our impact.  This is my first attempt at blogging, but I have had the title of my blog in the back of my mind for some time.  Thanks to Margaret Cellucci, NASN’s Director of Communications, I learned some great tips from her conference breakout session about blogging.

I decided at the conclusion of the NASN 2017 conference that I will also be relentless about attending future conferences.  I understand the value of sharing an intensive learning experience with 1000 school nurses from the US and beyond.  Our annual gathering is necessary, rejuvenating, and reignites the reason we do this very complex work.  This was my 3rd conference and I finally understand the flow, and recognize the unique traditions that belong to NASN like the affiliate rally!

My first conference was in Philly, my hometown, in 2015. The next year, in Indianapolis in 2016, I presented a poster and in 2017 I presented several workshops, collaborating with dear colleagues to create memorable learning experiences for our School Nurse attendees. When I think about my own personal and professional growth since 2015, I believe it is because I am a Relentless School Nurse.  Relentless in advancing the practice of school nursing and am both humbled and honored to be recognized for my contributions.

Are you a Relentless School Nurse? Would you join me in exploring what that means? Consider commenting on this blog and start a discussion about what it means to you to be relentless in your practice.

Relentlessly yours,


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