School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: A Personal Health Message from my Sister, Merri Novell


Me and Merri at the Capitol. No matter how old she gets, she will always be my baby sister!

The last few months have been a roller coaster for my baby sister, Merri Novell, who has experienced a major health crisis. I am sharing her important story because she is on a campaign to raise awareness about uterine cancer. Please read her compelling story and feel free to reach out to her and share your feedback and experiences. Merri is collecting stories from across the country, hoping to use her story and other womens’ stories to advocate for health policy changes. Please reach out to Merri at:

Here is Merri’s story:

I am a 53 year old woman who was recently diagnosed with endometrial cancer. I had a full hysterectomy less then two months ago. They call uterine cancer a (silent killer). I don’t really think it’s that silent. There were red flags along the way that were missed by my…(read the rest by clicking the link below):

Uterine Cancer Warning in a Whisper by Merri Novell


mother, sister, friend, wife, daughter, nature lover, artist, educator activist against gun violence and advocate for women’s health

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