School Nursing, Staff Wellness

The Relentless School Nurse: We are Halfway to Summer

Halfway to summer sounds promising during the tough winter months. I have been thinking about this mark in time as a way to boost my morale. For some reason, my enthusiasm for work has been waning and it has left me wondering why it is and more importantly, how to climb out of this hole. 

Certainly, the birth of my first grandchild has completely refocused my world, in the very best way. It has also made me crave more freedom to both watch her grow and help my daughter. But, it’s more than that. I had a Facebook chat with a dear colleague who responded with “work is meh,” when I asked her how she was doing. Work is meh, that is exactly how I have been feeling, but couldn’t put my finger on it until I read those words. 

I have spent this long snowy weekend (thanks to a snow day on Friday) thinking deeply about how I can regain my enthusiasm. I also wondered if I am feeling this way, maybe you are too. So here are some thoughts that I have jotted down to share, hoping that as James Taylor sings in “Shower the People”:

Once you tell somebodyThe way that you feelYou can feel it beginning to easeI think it’s true what they sayAbout the squeaky wheelAlways getting the grease 

As school nurses we need to gear up for the end of this 2023-2024 academic year. It is crucial to address the challenges inherent in our roles. To navigate these demands effectively, let’s prioritize a few key strategies:

  • First and foremost, self-compassion is at the forefront. I recently shared a blog post about Donna Gaffney’s new book, “Courageous Well-Being for Nurses.” I highly recommend this book as a step by step guide to wellness.
  • Building a strong support system is vital. Colleagues are invaluable sources of advice and assistance. Participation in NASN and our state school nurse organizations fosters camaraderie and shared experiences, enhancing our collective resilience.
  • Establishing clear boundaries is essential for effective workload management. We aim to set achievable goals and, when necessary, say “no” to additional tasks to prevent burnout. Striking this balance is key. Remember collecting data to support additional school nurse positions is vital to provide safe and comprehensive care. 
  • Taking short breaks during the day to regroup is transformative. It serves as a means to recharge and refocus. TAKE YOUR LUNCH is a place to begin. Protect your time!
  • Continuous learning is integral to our professional growth. Attendance at workshops and conferences not only keeps us updated but also serves as a motivational factor. 
  • Advocacy plays a crucial role. We’re committed to speaking up for the resources and support needed to excel in our roles. Leveraging technology tools contributes to efficiency and effective workload management. 
  • Regular reflection on what’s working and what needs improvement is another key to regaining equalibrium. Strategic planning for our own school nursing practice is vital. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 
  • In instances where the demands become overwhelming, a proactive approach involves seeking professional help. Counseling is an important strategy to address stressors and maintain overall mental health. We know that our mental health has been adversely impacted by school nursing during COVID.
  • Let’s embrace recognizing and celebrating accomplishments. It is not boasting, it is educating others in the scope of our practice and leads to better understanding of school nursing.

These are my suggestions for reaching the end of the 2023-2024 school year marathon. As school nurses we can focuse on collective self-care, cultivate a robust support system, and foster continuous growth. Taking care of ourselves isn’t just for our individual benefit – it’s how we ensure we can provide the best care for the students and school staff who depend on us.

By the way, James was right…once I wrote this blog post, I did feel better. Thanks to the amazing readers for giving me an outlet to share! Here is a video of James singing one of my all time favorite songs, “Shower the People”:



1 thought on “The Relentless School Nurse: We are Halfway to Summer”

  1. There’s definitely been a theme in your recent posts…..positivity. It made me think, wow I’d better get cracking on “Courageous Wellbeing for Nurses” and it is indeed a terrific book! So even though “Meh” is the sentiment of the day, you were able to think around it and offer strategies. Well done!
    I was just about to jump down the rabbit hole of what school nursing feels like in your rear view mirror but that’s another story for another day. The story of today in thank goodness for you and your perspective and capacity to turn MEH into action!!

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