School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: School Safety Matters: Your Input Can Make a Difference

As a parent, nothing is more important than the safety and well-being of your child. When you send them off to school each day, you want to have confidence that their learning environment is secure and that robust emergency plans are in place. Unfortunately, the reality is that school safety remains a major concern for… Continue reading The Relentless School Nurse: School Safety Matters: Your Input Can Make a Difference

School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: The New York Times is Asking About Your Experience with Gun Violence

The Headway team is a special projects initiative at The New York Times, funded by philanthropic grants, focused on investigating major societal challenges and progress through in-depth reporting and public engagement. Their tagline is: Exploring the world’s challenges through the lens of progress. As the United States grapples with a staggering rise in gun violence,… Continue reading The Relentless School Nurse: The New York Times is Asking About Your Experience with Gun Violence

School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: Schools Are Key to Promoting Safe Storage of Firearms

  My heart was beating a little faster today as I came across the new White House initiative for schools to promote the safe storage of firearms! While school nurses are not specifically named, we know that we are the Chief Wellness Officers of our buildings, and must be part of this new program. Nothing… Continue reading The Relentless School Nurse: Schools Are Key to Promoting Safe Storage of Firearms

School Nursing

The Relentless School Nurse: The Hypocrisy of “Thoughts and Prayers” in 60 Seconds

The "Thoughts and Prayers" video by Mothers for Democracy highlights the hypocrisy of offering thoughts and prayers without taking tangible action, particularly in the context of gun violence. The video portrays individuals choosing to pray instead of intervening to save a drowning child, symbolizing the inaction of gun reform. The ad emphasizes the need for… Continue reading The Relentless School Nurse: The Hypocrisy of “Thoughts and Prayers” in 60 Seconds